Make an impact today

At SMBC, our mission (since 1963!) has been to provide a safe, fun, and exciting retreat for our campers, where they can spend time together, enjoy God’s beautiful nature, and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ. We need your help to secure that opportunity for future campers by updating our facilities, specifically the cabins that have been in place since the 1960s.

Donate today to our building fund to help us build two new cabins!

What is the goal?

We hope to raise $500,000 and complete the construction of two new cabins by the end of 2026!

Why give?

  • FOUR cabins that were originally built are still in use today. They are deteriorating rapidly and need replaced.

  • In 2023, SMBC served over 450 campers. 33% of them were first time campers. 3% have no church home.

  • Camper registration fees only cover 60% of the cost of hosting each camper.

  • Donations made to the building fund are tax deductible and 100% of the proceeds (after any credit card processing fees) go directly to the cost of construction and maintenance of camp facilities.

  • New cabins are up to code, handicap accessible, larger, and safer than the existing cabins. We're building for the future of SMBC!

  • Regular donations to SMBC are enough to keep the gate open every year, but not enough for larger capital investments in camp facilities. SMBC is purposefully affordable for campers and fully supported by volunteers.

How to Donate

  • By Mail

    Send a check directly to
    PO Box 508,
    Mitchell, IN 47446

  • Online

    Donate through PayPal with a credit card.
    (processing fees will apply)

  • In Person

    Hand deliver your donation directly to our treasurer or a member of the board of directors


  • We're still working on the specific details! Donations coming in will help us in planning with the construction team to determine exactly when and where construction will happen. But we plan to build one new cabin on each side. One boy's and one girl's. This will allow us to tear down or stop using the cabins that are aging and not up to code.

  • We plan to install mini-split heating and air conditioning in each cabin. When they can be made available in every cabin, we will turn the units on for all campers.

  • We don't know yet! In the past, if a new cabin has replaced the footprint of an older cabin, the name remains. If it is a new location, we might give it a different name. Have ideas? Let us know!

  • Of course! If you need announcement or bulletin slides, fliers for the lobby, or if you would like someone to speak about to your congregation about SMBC, please let us know by email

  • When we built Damascus and Berea, we included a septic system that would accommodate more new cabins in an attempt to save money in the future. The future is now! We have done our best to be good stewards of our donations, but construction costs are ever-rising. We're trying to affordably build cabins that will be sustainable for the future. We're praying that God will provide the donations we need to build what is right for camp, no matter the cost.

Join us in ensuring SMBC is available to campers for another 60 years!