Support Your Camp
Join us in Making a Difference
Support SMBC
Camp is fully supported by donations. We keep our camper registrations as low as possible to ensure that a week of camp is accessible to any camper who wants to attend. If you want to contribute to the work of SMBC, we have several options to donate through volunteer opportunities and financial support.
Financial donations make a significant impact on the viability of camp and the progress that camp continues to make. Your gifts help camp maintain daily operations, upkeep camp facilities, and make capital improvements. We work to ensure that SMBC is affordable for every camper, therefore, our operations are fully supported through financial donations from churches and individuals. Thank you for helping us continue to operate this camp since 1963!
Donations can be made online, given directly to a board member, or mailed to the Treasurer at PO Box 508 Mitchell, IN 47446. Donations made online do incur a processing fee. Interested in donating to the building fund? Make a note of it when you donate!
If you would like to donate an item, we have a list of specific items needed to camp on our Amazon Wish List. These items are shipped to the caretakers or board of directors president to deliver to camp for use. The list is maintained by the board of directors.
Rally Day
Every year we host our annual Rally Day fundraiser. To follow along with our spring updates, follow us on Facebook or go over to our Rally Day page to donate!
While we have board members and caretakers who work tirelessly to maintain the grounds and facilities at camp, we have a set schedule of days to come together and accomplish as much as we can as a group to maintain camp. Works day tasks can include mowing and landscaping, painting, making repairs, winterizing camp in the fall, preparing for the camp season in the spring, and countless more. If you are interested in helping, anyone is invited to come out in a comfortable pair of shoes to help. There will be tasks for all levels of skill and experience.
Affiliate Support
Camp has partnered with local and national businesses for you to help camp in your daily lives! If you have other suggestions or would like to support camp from your business, please let us know!
Do you use a Kroger Plus Card? By registering your Kroger Plus card every November and linking it to SMBC, Kroger will give a portion of what you spend on groceries directly to camp at NO extra cost to you! Click here to learn more.
Other Donation Methods
Did you know there are several ways to help benefit SMBC besides cash donations?
You can donate appreciated property (i.e., real estate, stock, etc.) and take an income tax charitable deduction for the current value of that property. SMBC could then hold the appreciated property or realize any gains upon the property through a liquidation.
You can also benefit SMBC when preparing your Will by making a specific bequest of money or appreciated property. Upon your death, that money or property would be paid to SMBC from your estate. In addition, you can use a charitable trust to benefit SMBC. A charitable trust involves the contribution of appreciated property to the trust. The property, if necessary, will be sold tax-free and converted into income-producing property. The trust would have to pay SMBC a minimum of 5% of the annual income, and SMBC would receive the property and accumulated income upon your death.
One final way to benefit SMBC is through a life insurance policy in which the camp is named as a beneficiary. Upon death, the benefits under the policy would be paid directly to SMBC.
If you are interested in benefitting SMBC through a Will, a trust, or through life insurance, we recommend that you consult with your attorney or tax advisor.